If you are newly pregnant, you can enter your details on a secure website that will send a referral straight to the Herefordshire community midwifery team. You don’t need to contact the surgery or make an appointment with a GP – the midwifery team will tell us about your pregnancy. However, if you have any urgent concerns about your health during early pregnancy, please do contact us for advice. Patients planning a pregnancy or who are in the early stages of pregnancy are advised to take folic acid, please speak to a pharmacist at your local community pharmacy for further advice.
The best time to fill in the online form is when you are 6 to 7 weeks pregnant. A maternity support worker will then phone you to arrange your first appointment with your midwife (called your booking appointment), which usually takes place when you are 8 to 10 weeks pregnant.
If you need support filling in the online form, you can ask someone else to do the form for you, for example your partner or a relative. If you are having problems with getting online, or understanding the form, please ring the community midwifery office on (01432) 372965.